Goodwin Aged Care, Canberra, Australia

Goodwin is Canberra’s longest established and largest supplier of accommodation and care for the aged. The recent opening of a spectacular residential facility, the Goodwin House, is one of the many achievements of the company the last years.

When building the Goodwin House the thought was to respond to peoples needs as they age. This was why a break away from the traditional aged care home model with rooms jointed together by long corridors was necessary. Instead a new multi level building with a central hub ensuring no one has to walk more than 25 meters to reach the common areas was built. This encourages a lot more social interaction in comparison to the traditional design.

The concept has been a success which is proved by the fact the Goodwin House has won two awards since the opening. In 2007 it won the National Award for Lifestyle Housing for Seniors from Master Builders Australia and recently the Apartment Development of the Year in the Canberra region’s Housing Industry Associations award.

For the award winning apartment complex the Goodwin Aged Care Service choose TR 900CWA bathtub to equip the luxury spa of the facilities. The bathtubs are used by the residents to enjoy relaxing and comfortable bathing experiences.

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